Forget what you think you know about anarchism.
Anarchism is NOT about creating violent revolution when peaceful means are available. I simply believe that society exists in order to ENHANCE individual opportunity, rather than constrain it. Anarchists are not simple anti-statists - we oppose ALL forms of oppression, whether it be economic, cultural, or spiritual. I believe in the power of a truly free people to determine their own means of government, but we feel that our society has far too much coercion and hierarchy for us to be satisfied with the status quo. As such, the surest way of rebooting the Western World is to re-empower its citizens to meet the challenges of our networked world.
As a would-be anarchist, I value FREEDOM over anything else. I believe that we can individually and then collectively figure out ways OUT of the rat race known as capitalism, without embarking on something so tedious and cliché as violent revolution. I'm embarking on this campaign in order to create a forum whereby bosses and politicians are made aware that the People demand JUSTICE. We are not about destroying the workplace, or the nation, but about reshaping it nearer to the heart's desire.
Anarchist believes that it is the HISTORICAL MANDATE of free-thinkers and radicals to RUIN the business models of such coercive and hierarchical corporate entities as rule our society today.